I took at least a dozen pictures of myself (tripod and timer) and every single one of them was out of focus. I should try again, maybe wait until it's warmer and take outdoor photos, but I am impatient to get a new blog post up so here are the two best ones and maybe later I'll update it with a better photo.
It's another New Look 6963 and I love it. It's funny... I wouldn't say hunter green is one of my favorite colors but every time I put on something that color and look in the mirror I think, "Yes, this really works for me." I love the tiny floral print. That makes it perfect for spring even though dark green isn't usually a color associated with this time of year. I was originally thinking of using pink buttons but I didn't have any that were the right pink in my button stash and I didn't want to wait and these marbled green and black ones seemed to go perfectly with the fabric so now I'm glad I didn't have the right pink.
I do want to say something about this fabric. It's a digital print, which I guess is supposed to be sort of a big deal? At least it's priced like it's a big deal. I will be generous in my thoughts and try to believe that there is probably something about the process that makes digital printing more expensive and they're not just charging extra for the supposed coolness factor. Of course, I waited for a 40% off sale and bought this and another digital print. I don't see any difference between them and any other cotton print but that's not a bad thing. Just sayin'.
I do have one pet peeve about it: the selvedge is over an inch wide. And the total fabric width was only 43 inches so there's slightly less than 42 inches of usable fabric width. It wasn't a problem with this pattern but I still feel a little cheated and ever so slightly pissed off.
Anyway, here's the evidence and you get to see the sweet little print.
One of the "issues" I have with the JoAnn branded fabrics (as in: designed by someone working for them, apparently) is that they tend to have super-wide selvedges and it feels like a cheat.